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eBook, Paperback, & Hardcover Available

The Shackled Serpent by
K.M. Lister

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This book absolutely wrecked me. I haven't cried this hard over a book in a long time. What an ending!!!

The Shackled Serpent embodies everything I love in a book... fantasy, magical creatures, action, and an epic romance. I was hooked from the very beginning until the very last word. The twists and turns were wild, and I was completely shocked for most of the book. Just when I thought I had it figured out, another crazy twist happened. It was also so action-packed that I couldn't even believe what was happening! This is a wild ride, y'all! The fact that this was a debut novel blows my mind.

It's an incredible book that you need to read... like yesterday!! Also, have some tissues at the ready. You're gonna need them!


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